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Shopify Store Launch Success Guide (Part Four)

Sep 24, 2021

Hi friends, just a quick pre-article note that if you love this content and want our personal help and coaching, consider joining our Inner Circle program. You get personal support, a vibrant community of peers, and access to all our training programs.

Let's jump into today's topic...

We're excited to share Part Four of our 4-Part Shopify Store Launch Guide!

If you followed our initial Shopify Store Launch Success Guide Introduction post, then you've picked a date for your Shopify store launch. And if you've followed our Shopify Store Launch Success Guide Part One techniques you've begun working on the 4-Core Topics. If you haven't done those steps yet, then go back and work on them now. If you followed Part two of our guide, then you've worked hard on your pre-launch contest strategies to build your email list and social following. If you followed Part Three of our guide your launch day was a fun party and you made customers really happy!

Now it's time to lock in...

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Shopify Store Launch Success Guide (Part Three)

Sep 16, 2021

Hi friends, just a quick pre-article note that if you love this content and want our personal help and coaching, consider joining our Inner Circle program. You get personal support, a vibrant community of peers, and access to all our training programs.

Let's jump into today's topic...

We're excited to share Part Three of our 4-Part Shopify Store Launch Guide!

If you followed our initial Shopify Store Launch Success Guide Introduction post, then you've picked a date for your Shopify store launch. And if you've followed our Shopify Store Launch Success Guide Part One techniques you've begun working on the 4-Core Topics. If you haven't done those steps yet, then go back and work on them now. If you followed Part two of our guide, then you've worked hard on your pre-launch contest strategies to build your email list and social following.

Now it's time to cash-in on that hard work. 

Launch Day: Part Three of our guide assumes you are at launch day and working from launch...

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New Video: Shopify Site Launch Success Guide Introduction

Sep 10, 2021

Before we share this week's Shopify Site Launch Guide article, we thought we'd mention that Jeff Walker's (FREE & No-Opt-In Required) Product Launch Workshop videos are currently available (until Friday 9/15 at midnight Pacific). Look for us! We are featured in the "Case Studies" section. And we are also offering a massive bonus - 1 year of our Inner Circle membership program for free if you purchase Jeff's course. We've included more information at the bottom of this post.

Introductory Video

We recorded an introductory video for our new Shopify Site Launch Success Guide Training. It provides the "big picture" overview of the topic, as well as details about how we've structured the training and what topics are included. Check it out...

And, if you haven't seen them yet, the prior blog posts for this series include the following posts. We will continue to expand on this topic with new blog post articles throughout the month!

The Shopify Site Launch Success Guide Introduction


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Shopify Store Launch Success Guide (Part Two)

Sep 02, 2021

Hi friends, just a quick pre-article note that if you love this content and want our personal help and coaching, consider joining our Inner Circle program. You get personal support, a vibrant community of peers, and access to all our training programs.

Let's jump into today's topic...

We're excited to share Part Two of our 4-Part Shopify Store Launch Guide!

If you followed our initial Shopify Store Launch Success Guide Introduction post, then you've picked a date for your Shopify store launch. And if you've followed our Shopify Store Launch Success Guide Part One techniques you've begun working on the 4-Core Topics. If you haven't done those steps yet, then go back and work on them now. 

Part Two of our guide assumes you are 12 days away from your store launch. It will give you specific instructions about what to do in our four areas under review:

  1. Site Technical Setup: How ready your site is for "real" customers.
  2. Product Plan: How complete your product strategy is....
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Shopify Store Launch Success Guide (Part One)

Aug 26, 2021

Hi friends, 

We're excited to share Part One of our 4-Part Shopify Store Launch Guide!

If you followed our initial Shopify Store Launch Success Guide Introduction post, then you've picked a date for your Shopify store launch. If you haven't done that yet, then choose a date, put it on the calendar, and make a public announcement so you have some peer pressure to hold you accountable. 

Today's post assumes you are 24 days away from your launch. It will give you specific instructions about what to do in our four areas under review:

  1. Site Technical Setup: How ready your site is for "real" customers.
  2. Product Plan: How complete your product strategy is.
  3. Promotion Strategies: How you are going to draw a crowd to your site for the launch (and beyond).
  4. Communication Plan: How you'll announce your promotion to your friends, followers, and even new prospects. 

Readiness Assessment: Since we're just starting our work. Let's talk about your readiness to launch....

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Shopify Store Launch Success Guide (Introduction)

Aug 19, 2021

It's a huge honor to have taught almost 6,000 students how to set up a Shopify store via our popular Shopify Power course on Udemy. And an even bigger honor to get to personally coach and mentor a smaller group via our Inner Circle program!

But the #1 challenge our students face is how to launch their store successfully. How to actually get it to a point where it is "ready for prime time". They ask about it frequently with questions like this,

"I feel stuck - I'm not sure how to successfully launch my Shopify store?"

This can be a huge frustration. It leads to confusion, discouragement, and feeling like a failure. Sadly, many students get stuck at this barrier and never move past it. They let their Shopify project languish for a few months, then ultimately cancel their Shopify subscription and chalk it up to "another good idea that didn't work." 

I know the feeling! I have had more failed websites that you can imagine. But thankfully, my wife and I (working together), got past...

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The 4-Attributes Of A Powerful E-commerce Brand (Part Three)

Aug 05, 2021

Series Overview: There are the 4 attributes of a powerful e-commerce brand. In the first article in this series, I described the invisible aspects of a powerful e-commerce brand. In the second article in the series, I described the 6 visible aspects of a powerful e-commerce brand including the most important aspect - the name. But choosing names can be complicated by 3 primary factors, which leads us to today's topic. (Please note though, I am not an attorney, and this information should be taken as general educational information, not legal advice). 

In this article, we'll describe what I call the Brand L.A.B. ... asking the question: 

  1. Is it Legal?
  2. Is it Availability?
  3. Is it Baggage Free?

Why is creating a brand so powerful - and creating an e-commerce brand in particular so incredibly cool? Here is a short list:

  1. Anyone can make a brand. There are no rules about who can make them. 
  2. They are easy to create - and if done properly - can be...
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The 4-Attributes Of A Powerful E-commerce Brand (Part Two)

Jul 29, 2021


Series Overview: There are the 4 attributes of a powerful e-commerce brand. In the first article in this series, I described the invisible aspects of a powerful e-commerce brand.

In this article, we'll discuss visible aspects of a powerful e-commerce brand and how you can put them together in support of your online selling efforts. These aspects are frequently overlooked entirely, or put together quickly without thoughtful consideration. This article will give you key insights into how to use them effectively.

Influences on this article include the work of Jon Ward, I'd encourage you to look into his work.

The 1st Visible Aspect - The Name Of Your Brand: The name of your brand is the most important visible element. It's the aspect of your brand that you need to spend the most time working on.

Myth: All the good names are taken

Reality: There is an unlimited number of great options available for your brand.

Let's look a just some of the options available to...

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The 4-Attributes Of A Powerful E-commerce Brand (Part One)

Jul 22, 2021

What if 10 years from now - you had a brand that sold a million dollar a year online? No, I'm not making any income claim or promise, but if you had such a brand...

It would fund your lifestyle, give you financial freedom, make your bank account bulletproof, allow you to live where and how you want. It would be your life's work. Your greatest accomplishment. Your pride and joy. It would allow you to look back on a fractured and random career and say, "it was all worth it - and it worked out really well in the end."

Take a few minutes and gaze backward in time from that point of success. How did you get there? What steps did you take? What puzzle pieces did you pick up and set into place to get clarity? Imagine your twenty-year old nephew comes to your house and asks, "how did you get started? " 

This is what you will say to your Nephew...

There are 4 attributes of a powerful e-commerce brand. Setting them up takes some time - and patience - and a commitment to see the...

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Using Shopify To Create A Membership Program

Jul 15, 2021

Updated May 25,2020

By Jason Miles

Can you use Shopify to run a membership site? 

Can you get paying subscribers to your Shopify site? 

These were the questions we wondered as we began to put together the program elements of our new Sewing With Cinnamon program.

Our outcome? We launched on March 28th and as of this writing (8 weeks later) we had 584 paying subscribers. By the end of the 3rd year (March 2020) we had over 1,000 members and we are adding them weekly.

In this post, I'll walk you through the concept, milestones, and lessons learned. So you can decide if a membership program is right for you - and if using Shopify to do it is your best path forward.

[Update: We recently recorded a video explaining a terrific marketing technique to grow your membership program - and to give you an update on how our program has grown. Watch it here: https://www.winningonshopify.com/blog/running-a-membership-program-on-shopify]

The Financial Benefits Of A Membership...

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