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Workshop: From Amazon To Shopify

Jul 25, 2024

Presentation Highlights:

1:30: The reason to consider going from Amazon To Shopify.

4:54: How much time are you spending going from idea to idea without a solid long-term plan?

5:30: The real problem we are all trying to solve for as e-commerce sellers.

6:08: What can be achieved when you begin to solve the real problem.

8:00: Example - how one simple product can create dramatic wealth.

11:00: Our story and why we're so passionate about helping business owners sell online.

15:55: Is your current sales system creating the result you want?

16:50: The 4-Tests Of A Successful Brand - and how to pass them.

17:00 Test #1

18:00 Test #2

19:00 Test #3

20:40 Test #4

22:30 The Lean Startup Method-For Shopify Sellers

28:15: Overcoming the 3 biggest challenges of creating a successful Shopify Ecommerce website.

28:30: Challenge #1 - The biggest challenge with launching a successful Shopify site.

30:30: Challenge #2 - Overcoming the most difficult part of managing a Shopify website.

32:55: Challenge #3 - The Direct Response Marketer's challenge applied to Shopify e-commerce.

33:55: The simple formula to make a Shopify e-commerce website work effectively.

35:52: The 3 things you need to succeed on Shopify explained.

36:20: What would it feel like if six months from now you had a professional and profitable Shopify site set up in support of a thriving brand?

37:26: If Shopify is right for you - you have two paths going forward.

38:00: Why we want to work more closely with people moving forward.

42:00: The highest rated Shopify course on Udemy is...

44:22: Q&A


Get A Free 30 Minute Consultation When You Apply For Personal Coaching: As part of the coaching application process we offer a free 30 minute consultation. It is our opportunity to meet each other and discover together if coaching is a good fit. If you're ready to get our personal help. Learn more here. 

If you'd like additional training and coaching to achieve your Shopify goals, consider applying for our coaching program today!

Grateful for the chance to be of help,

Jason & Kyle


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