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What marketing trends should you be watching on Facebook in 2021?

Jan 26, 2024

Hi friends, 

In this Tip of the Week video, we break down 6 Facebook trends that all marketers should be thinking about as we move into the new year.

Let us know what you think!



0:00 Intro

0:41 Facebook Live for E-Commerce

1:05 Facebook Live Usage Up 26.8% in Q2 2020

1:33 What Is Live Selling?

2:11 Popular Content Types on Facebook

2:30 Benefits of GIFs On Facebook

3:16 Create GIFs Quickly on GIPHY.COM

3:37 User Generated Content on Facebook

4:25 Using UGC for front-end advertising 

5:10 Collages are making a comeback

5:30 Using Your Blog For Contests

5:58 Facebook Text Image Rule Still A Thing?

6:22 Long Form Text On Facebook Posts

8:08 Facebook Groups

8:56 Facebook Hashtags?

10:27 Video Is Still King

10:58 Ideal Video Length on Facebook

11:10 Facebook Shopping

13:12 More Resources for Traffic

Resources Mentioned:

The E-Commerce Leader Podcast: https://www.theecommerceleader.com/blog/

The Adweek Copywriting Handbook by Joe Sugarman: https://www.amazon.com/Adweek-Copywriting-Handbook-Advertising-Copywriters/dp/0470051248

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Grateful for the chance to be of help,

Jason & Kyle


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